About the Phylaxis Society
THE PHYLAXIS SOCIETY is an international organization of Prince Hall Freemasons dedicated to studying the life of Prince Hall and researching the history of Prince Hall Freemasonry. The Phylaxis Society was designed to create a bond of union for Masonic writers and to educate Universal Freemasonry about Prince Hall Freemasonry. The Society has become the leader in its field: encouraging Prince Hall Masonic Study and stimulating the writing of accurate and interesting articles for our own publication. In this manner it fosters the close, human relationship that is the ideal of Freemasonry. The Society in no way interferes with the legislative and ritualistic affairs of any Masonic body.
The word PHYLAXIS is pronounced fil-lak-sis. Phyl is Greek for tribe, clan, race, and is akin to the Greek word ‘phyein’ which means to bring forth – more to be. PHYLAXIS means to guard and preserve. Symbolically we interpret it as to bring forth more light in Masonry, and to guard the Prince Hall Fraternity against its enemies using the truth to preserve our Masonic heritage.
The PHYLAXIS Magazine is one of the finest publications in all of Freemasonry. Members will find it interesting and informative Masonic reading. Members also receive information about current Masonic research projects, and they are provided an opportunity to make contributions to the magazine.
Notes, Queries and Information of Masonic Interest. Space will be devoted in various issues of the PHYLAXIS magazine to special Masonic studies, Masonic curios, items of special interest concerning Masonic history, biography, etc., and other unusual Masonic data as listed, with the request that members of the Society who have additional information on any of these topics communicate with the members who present the original item. This leads to many valuable and interesting personal contacts and often to lasting friendships.