The Foundation’s longest serving arm is the Scholarship Program, named after John T. Maxey, Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas. Every year, many high school seniors from across the state compete to receive scholarship funds toward undergraduate study at an accredited college or university of their choice in the United States.
To participate in the annual J.T. Maxey Scholarship Program, potential scholarship recipients participate in local creative writing contests across the state. The winner of each of those advances to the state level contest where they engage in a variety of academic challenges that test their cognitive skills, creativity, and verbal reasoning. The Program has a long and rich history, dating back to the early 1960’s, of helping students achieve their post-secondary educational goals and objectives.
The J.T. Maxey Scholarship Program is one of many programs that demonstrates the Grand Lodge’s commitment to youth and education, and developing new generations as they prepare to enter the world.